Wednesday 1 March 2017

Lighter Thief Chapter 3


"LIGHTER THIEF!" there he still goes. the latest of a string of at least ten attempts to stretch out the departure i tried to initiate a few minutes ago. being hurled at me from afar by another whipped mess. not the weirdest client, by a long shot, still though, not at any point was i intending to befriend or further communicate; with any client after id finished. especially not one that'd think a seedy, dimly lit corner of a carpark in manchester city centre is an adequate bonking destination. however, once again, not the weirdest location either. out of ten on the weirdness scale, id probably award him a four. he never outwardly did anything that raised a flag but he was just a bit too beggish. he did however, have a car which i initially, was certain he didn't. well i assume he did. he offered me a lift enough times. to be honest at this point I'm slightly regretting not taking him up on his offer. not sure his company was thrilling enough for me to want to travel back into town with him though. I've got things to do now anyway and this whole situation has been dragged out for a lot longer than i anticipated. i can guarantee if i were to pivot my head for a second right now he'd either be stood, staring at me or walking, still staring at me, from the opposite side of the carpark. if it wouldn't fill him with a false optimism id blow him a kiss. which he'd probably mime catching and put in his pocket like a three year old if i did. not today.

work aside, my agenda for tonight unfortunately isn't as relaxed as i'd like in the slightest. for this reason i rationalise avoiding my actual responsibilities in favour of more enjoyable procrastination type tasks. the meaningless tasks you tend to participate in day in day out to pass the time. you know the cigarettes; the ones i'm on my way to buy twenty of, because the one I'm currently holding, id rather not be. however can't pocket it, it'll snap. in fact upon reflection it makes sense to just discard of it. nah i'll just smoke it, a b&h dual will taste better if the taste of this inferior one still lingered. though definitely not the only thing still lingering in my mouth at this point.
the ben buds, if you're gonna do nothing productive may as well do it blipped? but for the ben bud you need the dealer! for the dealer you need the number. which id have if i'd had a SIM card. so how does one acquire a SIM card at ten forty four pm on a tuesday night? one takes his right hand, fishes in his right batty pocket and retrieves the one he hides; from the men he meets. the one he pretends he doesn't have so they cant get too comfortable. the lees, the stephens with the ph's. the craigs and the jordans. the fucking anyone who's paying at this point.
i need to ring maz, the bud dealer. probably going to have to get a taxi to him, though he may drop to theo's? surely i'll find out when i attempt to contact him in a second. i retrieve the SIM from my pocket, remembering then that putting a sim in an iphone is a task that requires an earring or some form of pin which is acting as an inconvenience right now. i don't wear earrings. not carrying a pin on me, obviously. so what's the solution here? Sure i'll think of something.

eleven twelve. having literally just used my flirtling friendly voice, to convince a woman at bustop to let me use her earring to open my SIM slot and succeeding. I can finally go about my plans to acquire weed, alter my serotonin levels and brush my fucking teeth.
"yo who's this?" typical. funny guy, although many people didn't have my number, he certainly wasn't one of those people. wish as i may he was.
"its blake bro, after an eighth innit" my tone of voice altering dramatically to a much more masculine, exaggerated mancunion one. almost replicating frank gallagher.
"yo yo safe bro, ye am about, where you?"
"town but gonna jump in a taxi now i'll come to you innit"
"right well i'll... i'm in whitefield innit" almost as if he'd just remembered to ask a final vital question before hanging up. he did so. "So you want an 8th as in a twenty or an eight as in three point five?"
"just the twenty bro if that's sweet"
"dead that, finna dab and snort a line of chiz off mi moped key"
an outburst of laughter occurred among us friends which lasted close to ten seconds. after about the sixth i began to longer find it laugh out loud funny therefore simply faked it for the final three. it was funny though.
"nah but I'm en route yours now, gonna bell maz and see if he's got any haze. i'll be about twenty five." knowing me twenty five meant at least forty but he knew that too and I highly doubt he'd be waiting by the window for me anyway so.
"sweet, get me a tens too ill pay you back when you get here innit!"
"cool will do... if my mum bells you answer it and say you've not heard from me, owe her doe." he laughed, not a laugh like "ha ha you so funny!!!" not even a "aww, what ya like" laugh more of a "do i look like i'd answer the phone to your mum, ya mad" kinda laugh.
"yeah a will, i'll rod her while i'm at it" lmao jokaaaa.
"do your ting innit, i'll see you when i come." as far as i'm concerned the conversation ended here, any further attempts to prolong it. For the second time today, unwanted and one sided on their part.
"where've you bin" given as i previously stated i have no intention to converse further, and the fact i've been trading tricks on the streets like the women on gta you pick up, take to a quieter place and click the highest service costing the most cyber money. allow to ride you causing the car to bounce. let open her door and exit afterwards. accelerate towards. park on the body. reverse. and finally get all your money back off of. (the more you do it the more you become accustom to it, realising the place doesn't actually need to be remotely quite.) i'm not thrilled to now be forced into a need to lie situation. but whatever i've been silent for a few seconds too many now he's going to suspect
 something fishy.
"miya's!" i lied. Not that unlikely.why wouldnt i be at my girlfriends? he wont suspect a thing.

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